“There is going to be a recession in 2020!” …Well, that was the rumor floating around scaring the pants off of everyone. Did you hear it too? Dang! Gossip can be nasty. I hope you didn’t help spread that rumor.
It. Was. Everywhere. How much credibility is there to this claim? Many experts had been predicting an economic downturn to kick off the new decade. When these predictions initially began to surface, we still had plenty of time to deal with the gloom at a later date. However, we are out of time – 2020 is officially on our doorstep. So what is the inside scoop? Are the banks going to call your loan? Should you be worried?
Here it is….the final word –
Wipe the sweat from your brow and take a deep breath. The United States will NOT be entering a recession in 2020.
Hallelujah for a resilient economy!
Yes, things could change at anytime but the proof is in the pudding. (Not sure anyone knows what that saying means.) All of this pudding talk simply means, I clearly should stop writing in the kitchen. Oh, the analogy – all current evidence is building a case for continued economic growth for at least the next year! Cheers!